Hey I'm Ben Demaj

a student based in 📍Vienna

I am an Austrian developer interested in Hardware and Software Engineering. Currently I am serving my mandatory service @bundesheer as a paramedic. After finishing my duties, I plan to study Electrical Engineering @tuwien. Outside of work I like to make music and write short stories.

For more details of what I am doing [now]

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What I'm Doing Now

inspired by Derek Sivers

📚Currently reading: Love And Math by Edward Frenkel


Finish mandatory service.
I want to finish my 6-month mandatory service at the Austrian Armed Forces as a trained paramedic and in good health.

Becoming an Engineer.
Trying to secure an internship at an engineering company, working in the field of robotics, ai and software development. Maybe live in a different city for work and gain experience on working in tech and social interactions.

Get more fit and athletic.
Hit the gym more often and build strength and duration. Try out some martial arts and start rowing.

Last updated on 10th December, before going to sleep